MSOCAL: Medical Students Organized to Create Activism and Leadership

Mission Statement

While medical education in the United States offers a great deal of technical and scientific sophistication, it has often been criticized for inadequate attention to matters of health policy and health care as a societal institution. MSOCAL is a medical student group devoted to filling in some of these gaps in our education. We want to educate physicicans-in-training on the policy issues which influence patient care and provide the tools so that physicians can work alongside lawyers, bureaucrats and politicians in shaping these policies.

MSOCAL is sponsoring a symposium, Common Needs and Common Dreams, on January 25, 1997. It will address the much-debated issue of "quality of care," and the impact of current public policy movements on delivery of quality care in the United States.

If you plan to attend this conference, you can register from our web page. And, in keeping with our policy of Web-friendliness, we will be broadcasting it live using RealAudio.




Links to health policy related sites.

Stuff to do in LA besides the conference.

Send us mail.

Last Modified Jan. 13, 1997