Away Electives or Non-UCLA Electives (700 level course numbers)



UCLA & UCR students – Monica Perkins (UCLA SAO) handles the processing of paper “Away” applications and final approval rests with the Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Neil Parker

DREW students – The Drew SAO handles the processing of paper “Away” applications and the final approval rests with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Daphne Calmes

ALL STUDENTS – Monica Perkins handles verification for all VSAS applications


                                                                                      Contact Information:

                                         Monica Perkins                                                    Joe Corrao

                                         David Geffen School of Medicine                     CDU/UCLA Medical Education Program

                                         Student Affairs Office                                         Charles Drew University of Medicine & Science

                                         12-159 CHS, Box 951720                                     1731 E. 120th Street

                                         Los Angeles, CA  90095-1720                             Los Angeles, CA  90095

                                        Phone:  (310) 825-6282                                      Phone:  (323) 563-4888

                                        Fax:        (310) 794-9574                                      Fax:       (323) 563-4957



 Applying for Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS) Away Electives:

  •  VSAS will notify and issue you your AAMC password by email; please keep this email in a safe place.  Remember, you will not be able to log in to VSAS until I have given you authorization.
  • To determine if the school you want to apply to uses the VSAS program log on to the following links or  Please read the directions carefully as they could be different for each school.
  • VSAS “schools” will ask you to upload your immunization records.  Your immunization information can be obtained at
  • VSAS applications will be processed, in 5 – 7 business days, after they have been submitted.




VSAS does not notify me when you’ve been accepted for an elective so I need you to please remember to give me a copy of the VSAS acceptance notification (email) sent to you.  You will not receive credit nor will this elective be added to your schedule (ESS) until I receive the copy (copies).

Steps in Applying for Non-VSAS Away Electives:



For schools not using VSAS you can find visiting student application information on the AAMC Extramural Elective Compendium (EEC) website at under the default setting “Institution”.

  1. Complete the visiting school’s student application.  If the school doesn’t have its own application then you must complete a David Geffen School of Medicine Student Application for Non-UCLA Electives and possibly a Special Clinical Elective Request Form These forms can be retrieved by clicking on the hyperlinks or on the Medical Student website under Forms Index.
  2. When you need a specific document (i.e Malpractice Letter, Letter of Good Standing, transcript, etc) to be included with the application complete our Away Elective Check-Off List (required), for each school you’re applying to, marking only those “boxes” that pertain. This form can be retrieved by clicking on the hyperlink or our website under Forms Index.
  3. UCLA/UCR students please submit the following items to Monica Perkins for Dr. Parker’s approval signature:
  4.      DREW/UCLA students please submit the following items to Joe Corrao for Dr. Calmes approval signature:

              a)  The completed Away Elective Check-Off List for each school you’re applying to;

              b)  The “Away” schools application for each school you’re apply to (this is the page that requires your home school

                     Dean’s signature) or the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Application for Non-UCLA Electives (complete this

                     particular form ONLY if the school doesn’t have their own application);

              c)   A course description (MANDATORY) for each elective you’re applying to.  This can be found on the “away” schools

                    website.  Your application will not be given to Dr. Parker unless a course description is included.

               d)  Any additional paperwork (i.e. HIPPA certificate, health insurance card, immunization records, etc.)


    ONLY IF REQUIRED BY THE VISITING SCHOOL – A completed Visiting Medical Student Health Clearance Form. 

    If you need a Visiting Medical Student Health Clearance Form signed you must transfer your immunization information onto this form AND attach a copy of your immunization records. Your immunization records can be obtained at

UCLA/UCR students: Monica Perkins will send you an email when your application(s) has been completed.

DREW/UCLA students: Joe Corrao will notify you when your application(s) has been completed.

It takes approximately 10 – 14 business days to process the application paperwork so please be patient and plan accordingly.



Schools do not notify me when they accept you for an elective at their institution so I need you to give me a copy of the acceptance/approval notification (paper or email) you received.  You will not receive credit for this elective nor will it be added to your schedule (ESS) until you provide me with the acceptance/approval notification.

Additional Information:

  • Away electives are established clinical clerkships offered at other medical schools outside the UCLA system
  • Twelve (12) of your 30 weeks of “elective weeks” may be used for Away Electives
  • Away electives will not count toward the nine (9) weeks of 300 or 400 level sub-internships required for graduation (no exceptions)